The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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177 lines
0index ??? This index. Great, huh??
1wp2fax.lzh 39 1st Word Plus to FAX image converter. Requires an
actual FAX program to send the image.
aladin102.lzh 204 Complete Aladin 1.02. Upgrade below.
alad162.tos 132 Aladin 1.62 Genie terminal program, .prg only
aladptch.arc 13 Patch to aladin12.arc (obsoleted by 1.62 probably)
ansifont.lzh 3 Good Med Res GDOS font for STALKER etc.
ansi15b.lzh 99 Ansiterm v1.5b. 100% ansi vt-102. Good for ansi bbs'
ansi190.lzh 79 AnsiTerm 1.90 update to above, good.
ansist40.zip 15 ANSI driver, works with VT52 software.
bbsutils.arc 64 Chat and its editor for forem and ACICS
bbsxdemo.lzh 242 Demo of BBS Express v1.79c
btst240l.lzh 263 Binkley term, terminal pro
chatmidi.zip 107 Play midi devices over the modem
ck5a189b.zip 275 C-Kermit 5A 189 binaries
ck5a189s.zip 560 C-Kermit 5A 189 sources
cm402.lzh 66 ???
coma_230.zip 262 Fax send/receive program. Demo. German/English
connect_2.46_english.lzh 338 v. 2.46 of this excellent comm program
connect_2.46_german.lzh 351 same with German docs/menus
connect_2.46_update.lzh 215 update to fix internal Zmodem bug
cqwke22.lzh 69 Captain's qwk offline bbs reader
cts_zmdm.lzh 46 CTS Z modem
datalink.zoo 100 Term program. Several special features.
datblz27.arc 23 DA which helps keep track of email addresses for you.
dctran.arc 3 Background transferring (upload only)
dialer.lzh 16 Dials phone using monitor speaker, neat.
dterm_1m.lzh 48 Latest and greatest version of dterm. Changes weekly.
fastprog.arc 28 Fast ST <> VAX trasnfer prog
fasttalk.arc 9 ???
fastterm.lzh 51 Demo of a term prg
fed125.zip 32 Full screen editor for QuickBBS
figfonts.lzh 16 Some fancy letters for figlet
figlet21.lzh 86 Draws big words using ASCII chars, neat for .sig files
figletst.zip 111 Figlet with save function included
flash22d.lzh 105 Flash 2.2 Demo. (lim to 50K downloads/30 minutes online)
flashd12.arc 24 Flash, version 1.2
flashdoc.lzh 63 Docs with tips to make the most of FLASH 'DO' scripts
flshdial.zip 3 More examples of .DO files for Flash
fn132-README 6 Readme file for fnordadel, at STadel based BBS system
fn132bin.zoo 453 Binaries (in zoo2.1 format)
fn132man.zoo 188 Documentation in zoo2.1 format
fn132src.zoo 533 Source for fnordadel
fzt_d220.lzh 280 Freeze dried terminal demo. Shareware.
g_oracle.zip 21 Stalker Backtalk script to navigate GEnie easier. v 1.4
gem_xyz.lzh 23 Gem version of starfalls xyz
gemkermit.arc 28 Gem da of kermit protocol
gszrz228.lzh 161 Good Zmodem ACC. Especially good with Connect 2.xx
gszrzs43.lzh 69 Latest GEM szrz, crippled demo version
hckfax10.lzh 88 FAX software for ZyXEL modem. Docs in German.
hfaxbeta.lzh 77 German PD FAX program. Beta test version.
hpterm.arc 21 Simple terminal, no docs, color only?
ig214.arc 123 Instant graphics! Interlink to send/rec graphic
ig_edit.zip 120 Instant Graphics and Sound Editor w/term program ACC.
imhov106.zip 158 Seemingly nice qwk off line reader
isna.lzh 46 ANSI animation viewer/editor 16 color (German)
j_office.lzh 487 Junior Office FAX package
jekyl137.zip 94 Jekyll 1.37 - split screen chat type program
jekl138.arc 139 Jekyll 1.38 - split screen chat type program
kermit.arc 142 Kermit downloading protocol.
kivi_qwk.lzh 62 Gem Based QWK reader (Falcon & MTOS compat)
kivi_121.lzh 66 Gem Based QWK reader
kivi137.lzh 97 KiviQwik ver. 1.37 Gem Based QWK reader
kivi_141.lzh 104 KiviQwik ver. 1.41 Gem Based QWK reader
locdl11a.lzh 6 RatSoft BBS script enhances local downloading
m_qwk118.lzh 82 Mountain QWK offline reader demo version.
m_read20.lzh 93 Mountain Qwk/Bluewave OLR demo
m_read25.lzh 95 Mountain QWk II, OLR demo (Falcon & MTOS compat)
m_read28.lzh 100 Mountain QWk II, OLR demo 2.8 (Falcon & MTOS compat)
minibbs.lzh 73 Simple BBS system.
minit933.lzh 66 Latest version of good term program (norwegian)
miniterm.lzh 55 Terminal program (vt100 included), can be used as an acc
mobzdial.arc 10 Dialer acc
mobzutil.arc 10 ???
modemt.zip 29 Modem tester, from Toad computers. Tests for FAX capab.
mt_qwk_r.lzh 46 Pretty good QWK offline reader. Fully functional!
murks_lc.zoo 46 Removes garbage from UUencoded files
national.arc 61 ???
neocom.zip 236 Telecomm program good ANSI emulation
ommmst14.lzh 49 ???
opterm05.lzh 152 Opus term version 0.5
phdial14.lzh 58 Modem dialer acc - supports up to 19.6 baud modems
prestel.arc 29 ???
proterm.arc 101 Gem comm program
quickbbs.zip 89 Quick BBS, v1.10
q_asc110.zip 97 Quick BBS docs in Ascii format
q_doc110.zip 119 Quick BBS docs in 1st Word format
quickcis.arc 90 Aladin wannabe. For use with CI$. Keeps bills lower.
readmail.lzh 71 BBS email reading program, may also work with Internet
rjd10.lzh 109 Rejoinder 1.0 - Offline .QWK mail reader
rjd12.lzh 111 Rejoinder 1.2 - Offline .QWK mail reader
rufus106.zoo 275 Term program (german and english)
rufus141.zip 145 Term program (german)
rufuseng.rsc 17 English resource file for rufus 1.04
rz.exe 64 VAX executables for Z modem (with sz.exe) Yes, a VAX.
scribe.zip 3 STalker BackTalk script records all online activity
sealink.arc 18 Sealink protocol accessory with C source code
serfx1_1.lzh 9 Serialfx: fixes turbocts problem
serfx20.lzh 11 Serialfx: fixes turbocts problem. Version 2.0
setter.zip 2 STalker BackTalk: ignores incoming Clr/Home
shadow11.lzh 87 Updates shadow1.0 to 1.0
spatch01.lzh 33 Patches Storm 1.00 to 1.01
shdwterm.arc 177 Sharware demo of Shadowterm II
skkit2.zip 33 STalker BackTalk utility, auto-loads files.
st_term.lzh 63 Terminal program. version 3.5
stadel1.zoo 191 These three parts will allow you to set up a fairly
stadel2.zoo 172 complete bbs. Have fun.
stadel3.zoo 208
stalk303.lzh 92 Upgrades STalker 3.02 to 3.03
stalk304.lzh 34 Upgrades STalker 3.03 to 3.04
stalk305.lzh 63 Upgrades STalker 3.04 to 3.05
stdet103.arc 46 ST Dualterm Elite - emulates vt52/atascii in 40/80 cols
steno210.lzh 52 Upgrades STeno 2.00 to 2.10
steno211.lzh 24 Upgrades STeno 2.10 to 2.11
steno212.lzh 35 Upgrades STeno 2.11 to 2.12
stkeep.lzh 412 BBS software
stkr_302.zoo 122 Stalker 3.01 to 3.02 patch
stkr3dmo.zoo 92 Stalker 3 demo?
stkrpat.lzh 107 Stalker 3.0 -> 3.01 patch upgrade
stno_103.lzh 75 Steno upgrade patch program
storm100.lzh 228 Alan Page's excellent new shareware term program!
storm_patch02.lzh 82 Update STORM --> v1.01 to v1.02
storm_patch101.lzh 33 Update STORM --> v1.01
storm_patchzmodem101.lzh Update STORM zmodem module
story.arc 31 "Door" program for Forem BBS
strip.lzh 66 "RIP" terminal protocol
sysin210.zip 59 Toad's modem and system tester. Very useful info!
sz.exe 75 VAX executables for Z modem (with rz.exe) Yes, A VAX!
t100.zoo 55 ah format, ANSI/vt100 emulator, source included
taz_100.zip 84 ANSI 16 Color Term in MEDIUM Res, try it.
tcpip.lzh 23 Atari SLIP FAQ
term4.lzh 45 simple character-based terminal program
terminal.zoo 65 Packet program. "Works with any TNC."
tip.arc 10 Dumb terminal program, by howie. For use with mint.
trapido.lzh 349 Neat term program from Germany. Shareware.
trn2401.lzh 468 Transcendence BBS freeware version
tterm210.zip 99 Elegant term prg. Try it. Shareware
turbo_sw.lzh 224 Shareware Turbo Board bbs program. Sorry Bill.
turbors.lzh 14 Demo of program which claims to up serial speed to 56k
txtsndr.zip 3 STalker BackTalk: simplifies sending text files
uemail.arc 76 ???
uemlsrc.arc 166 Sources for uemail.arc
uniterm.readme 1 Tells how to get newest Uniterm, not on atari.archive
uniterm.zoo 257 Complete uniterm package, version 2.0e011. read above
unitmacs.lzh 12 Uniterm macros.
utermisc.arc 220 Miscellaneous stuff for uniterm.
utugps.zoo 442 Uniterm users guide, postscript style
uucico.arc 34 ???
uusrc.arc 6 Sources for uud/uue.
uuxbin.arc 16 Uudecode/encode.
uw.arc 28 ???
uw.tar.Z 287 Complete package for uw, an X simulator
uwREADME 5 Readme for uw.
uwbin.arc 51 Binaries for uw.
uwsrc.arc 91 Sources for uw.
vantrm38.lzh 132 Vanterm, version 1.32
vidterm.arc 3 Extremely simple terminal
vt100emu.lzh 14 V